Personally, when I experience stress, exhaustion,  or a bad night sleep, it seriously shows up around my eyes. Dark circles, puffiness, and eye bags are all super common within todays busy society; it can be overwhelming to search through tons of expensive products, lotions, serums, and rarely there are any affordable, effective natural remedies. So, how do you get rid of eye bags?

This article will cover the common causes and 12 natural home remedies that actually work.

What Causes Puffy Eyes?

Often eye bags occur with age, but this doesn’t mean you have put up with it. When we get older, the tissue and muscle surrounding the eye area loses elasticity, and starts to sag over time. 

You may unknowingly be doing things that are causing premature aging of your skin, causing dark circles, puffiness and eye bags. 

Other common causes can include:

12 Home Remedies: How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

If you’re wondering how to get rid of eye bags then you’re in the right place. Here are 12 effective home remedies to cure your eye bags.

A cold compress can really help to soothe the eye area, you could try popping a damp face cloth in the fridge, or teaspoon, and apply to the eye area. Cucumber or frozen vegetables can also help. 

Treat your eyes to a home-made eye mask; simply mix up some avocado and place it underneath the eye area. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off. Don’t place it directly near the eye, just around the eye area. 

A slice of cucumber is excellent to calm and soothe the eye area. Place your cucumber in the fridge, and once cool, slice two pieces, place over the eye and lay back. Allow for the juices to melt into the eye, and reduce any irritation.

Tea contains huge amounts of antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying to the eye area may increase blood flow, and help soothe. 

Staying hydrated is super important, your eye area is delicate and if you’re dehydrated then this can impact your skin. If you find water boring, try a slice of lemon or lime in your glass.

Ensure you wash your makeup off before bed, and thoroughly wash your face. Your eyes are really sensitive, by washing your face, you can risk irritation or infection that can cause eye problems.

Elevating your head while you sleep will prevent any water retention under your eyes. Try sleeping with an additional pillow. 

Not only too much salt can lead to health issues, weight gain and dehydration, but it can also contribute to eye bags. Salt causes fluid retention, and can make your eyes puffy. 

Alcohol dehydrates your skin, and prevents quality sleep; it’s likely lead to dark circles, and eye bags. Avoiding alcohol all together is the best option, alternatively you could try to stop drinking a few hours before bed, and make sure you drink plenty of water before sleeping. 

Collagen is responsible for the skins elasticity, as we age, our bodies naturally reduce collagen production and the skin develops wrinkles, and the eye muscles and tissues become weaker. A healthy diet including kale, spinach, broccoli, and other leafy greens will help keep skin healthy. Vitamin C will also help your body to boost collagen production, and increase the absorption of Hyaluronic acid.

As per the above, collagen plays a major part in our skin health. You could try to add collagen supplements to your daily routine, or include more oily fish in your diet. Either way, make sure the fish is high quality for the best results. If you don’t want to purchase collagen supplements, just add more collagen rich foods to your diet, like kale, strawberries, oranges, and red pepper. Here is more information on collagen for men and the answers to collagen and potential weight gain.

A lack of sleep can lead to dark circles, puffy eyes and eye bags. Create a healthy bedtime routine where you start relaxing 1 hour before you sleep. Try a warm Bath, dim the lights, drink a herbal tea, meditation, gentle stretches, or read a book. Creating a healthy bedtime habit will send signals to your brain that you’re ready to sleep.