A state of silence is one of the most powerful skills you can obtain, and this is exactly what Reiki meditation provides. 

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If you are looking for a mindful practice that provides inner healing, peace and tranquility, you are in the right place. 

What is reiki meditation 

The word ‘Reiki’ means ‘spiritually guided life force energy.’ Reiki meditation is a mindful practice, that can bring peace and a form of healing to your body, both mentally and physically. 

Pronounced “ray key,” this Japanese practice, was created in 1920’s by a Buddhist monk called Dr. Mikao Usui. Be mindful that this technique does not cure illness, but it is used to manage symptoms to shift your mindset, attitude, behaviours and habits, to improve your quality of life. 

How is reiki meditation performed 

Reiki meditation is performed by placing touch techniques, by hand, to promote the healing of the inner body and mind. 

During a reiki session, the practitioner places their hands either directly on you or just above your body. The belief is that the technique stimulates your body’s natural healing abilities, achieving this connection can bring a sensation of inner peace and promote inner healing. 

Health benefits of reiki meditation 

5 reiki principles 

While reiki doesn’t align with any particular religion, therefore, you don’t need to believe in the practice for it to work. 

These core principles are similar to affirmations. By channeling your energy and focus on the present moment, it allows you to connect with your Reiki energy more deeply, which leads to improving your well-being. 

Here are the 5 principles for healing and balancing your reiki energy: 

1. Recognise and let go of angry thoughts – identify the thoughts, acknowledge the thoughts, identify these thoughts and feelings no longer serve any purpose, and return to centring yourself to the present moment.

2. Recognise and let go of anxious thoughts – recognise the anxious thought, acknowledge the thought and embrace the feeling of anxiety. Then release the worry to enable you to focus on the present moment. 

3. Be grateful – remind yourself what you are grateful for, what you value and what your purpose is. Act with intention to meet your goals.  

4. Become more Mindful – Becoming more mindful is key to reiki, taking time to reflect how you feel, shifting your mindset to the present moment, and balance your energy. 

5. Be kind to others – being kind to others and yourself, will attract happiness, positive energy and boost spiritual health. 

How to prepare for your reiki meditation session 

  1. Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing. 
  2. Invest in a diffuser, lavender, Yang Yang, jasmine and eucalyptus are good options here. 
  3. Remove your shoes and socks.
  4. Keep your electronic devices off, to avoid any distraction.

Cleansing your system 

  1. Turn on your herbal diffuser or light a candle.
  2. Lay or sit down on your yoga mat. 
  3. Take a deep breath and try to relax your body, releasing all the tension in your body, particularly your shoulders and arms. 
  4. Take in another deep breathe, and envision yourself inhaling positive energy and happiness. 
  5. When you exhale, envision all your negative thoughts and emotions float away. 
  6. Repeat this a few times, and focus your mind to your breathing pattern to stay present.
  7. Imagine all the fear, anxiety, negative thoughts and energy floating out of you.

Following your reiki session 

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Find something relaxing to do – you’ll likely be tiered.

Crystals for reiki meditation

Crystals can be used during your reiki session. They can be used as an extra addition to promote healing and many believe that they are capable of releasing mental or emotional blockers during meditation. Crystals are widely known for their calming effect, you can either place them around you or on your body to benefit. You may wish to consider using moonstone, amethyst or rose quartz.

Conclusion- Does reiki meditation work 

There is no scientific evidence that reiki meditation will heal your body. However, there is no reason not to use reiki meditation to compliment any medication, treatment or therapy session. While reiki may give you more of a placebo effect for inner peace and happiness, this in return can reduce anxiety and promote calmness and relaxation.