The number 1 collagen protein powder on the market right now!

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With so many products on the market, it can be hard to differentiate what products are unsafe or ripping you off, and what products actually work.. We hear you! I had this exact problem, so I’ve done all the hard work and research to share how I’ve managed to restore my youthful glow!

Instead of overwhelming you with tons of products that may or may not work, I’ve just given you the product that worked best for me. I continue to use this for its naturally sourced, zero carb or sugar and delicious taste!

Discover what makes a collagen protein supplement effective and worth your hard-earned money

A quality supplement can help to:

Collagen Overview

Collagen is a type of protein; it is found in connective tissue, such as, skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage. Your body naturally produces collagen, but as we age, we need to supplement collagen as our bodies naturally reduce its production, and this is exactly what causes the ageing effect. 

A lack of collagen can cause:

“As soon as I turned 30, I started to notice my skin looking tiered, dry and uneven. I’m a big believer that that natural beauty and wellness comes from within, and that’s exactly why I am such an advocate for Vitauthority. Not only it contains absolutely no artificial substances, it’s also gluten-free, zero carbs, zero sugar, dairy-free, but the collagen is sourced naturally, and that is extremely important to me” – ThinkStrong founder, Hayley

No wonder why collagen is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements on the market.

Why Choose Collagen Protein Powder?

Collagen with added vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid, was developed with normal people in mind. You don’t need to be an athlete, be a certain age or gender, it’s for those who want to take control of their wellness journey, and give their beauty routine a jumpstart! This natural, lab-verified solution, can help give your skin a dose of life.

The pros:

The cons:

Comparison Overview

Here are a few more reasons why I chose this multi collagen protein powder over others on the market.

Top Benefits of this amazing collagen protein

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is the perfect addition to maximize the youthful skin and joint benefits from our Multi Collagen Protein. Roughly half of the hyaluronic acid in your body is present in your skin, where it binds to water to help retain moisture which improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.

Vitamin C

A key ingredient for synthesizing collagen in the body, Vitamin C makes this multi collagen complex even more potent. Skin fibroblasts depend on vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, and also for the regulation of the collagen/elastin balance

For best results


Top tip: I personally love to add this collagen to my morning smoothie or juice. Simply blend up your spinach, banana or avocado and add a serving of your collagen protein powder.

2 Responses

  1. Literally a life saver, as soon as I stopped using it, my bloating come back and my skin looked tiered and uneven. Worth the investment

  2. I’ve recommended this to my sister, she’s always struggling with her skin and I’ve had excellent results