Wondering how long does it take for eyelashes to grow back? And how you can make your eyelashes grow back faster? If so, your in the right place! Keep reading as we explore the what, why, how of the eyelash beauty world. 

The primary role your eyelashes are to protect and maintain the health of your eye and lid. Eyelashes naturally fall out all the time, you have somewhere between 90-160 eyelashes along your upper eyelid and around 75-80 along the lower eyelid. 

The natural life cycle for your eyelashes includes three phases—growth, transition and resting. At the end of the resting phase, the lash falls out and is replaced by a new 

Growth phase – this phase can take around six weeks. If, however, your eyelashes fell out with force, the regeneration will take a lot longer. This is known as the Anagen phase. 

Transition phase – This is when the eyelash has finished growing, this phase can last 2-3 weeks should your eyelash shed naturally, if the eyelash has experienced trauma, for example it was pulled out, the process will longer and can take up to six weeks. This phase is known as the catagen phase. 

It’s worth noting that your eyelash continues on a life journey, regardless if the eyelash was pulled out or fell out naturally, it will run its course. Therefore, if you pull your eyelash out at the start of the transition phase, the resting phase won’t commence until it’s ready to do so 2-3 weeks later. 

Resting phase – this is the final phase, at the end of which the eyelash falls out naturally. This is known as the Anagen phase. 

Put simply, your eyelash can take is between one and six months to grow back, depending on how the eyelashes came out in the first place. If your eyelash fell out naturally, the regrowth can take around six weeks. If, however, your eyelashes fell out with force, this will take longer and can take up to six months to fully recover.

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow back after extensions?

It is normal for you to lose 3-5 eyelashes a day, even when you’ve got extensions attached to your natural lashes. 

In short, Eyelash extensions should not ruin your natural lashes. In reality, your natural lashes only become damaged from extensions if they are applied incorrectly.

There are a few things that you can do to prevent any trauma to your natural eyelashes whilst wearing lash extensions. 

How to regrow eyelashes faster?

Here are some strategies that can help your eyelashes grow back quicker. 

Eating a healthy diet

Your eyelashes are just like the other hairs on your body, and they need nutrients to strengthen and grow. Consider adding eggs to your diet as they are high in biotin and protein. Making sure your diet is healthy, full of protein and iron. 

Other foods that might include:

Applying castor oil 

Castor oil contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, its packed with beneficial nutrients like proteins, fatty acids, biotin, and minerals that promote hair growth. Castor oil also contains vitamin E which is an antioxidant that will repair damage hair and promotes strong hair growth.


Biotin is important for healthy keratin to strengthen lashes, and plays a role in hair thickening and helps your skin, hair, and nails grow strong.

Remove your eye makeup every day. Avoid leaving your mascara or eyeshadow on overnight. This can dry out your lashes and cause damage. Invest in a gentle makeup remover and cotton wool to wipe of every night, avoid rubbing too hard

Eyelash growth serum

You dab a thin strip of serum along your upper lash line, follow the instructions on the product and lashes will appear longer and thicker.

Use regular mascara instead of waterproof types. waterproof mascara is a fantastic product for certain situations, such as allergies when your eyes are itchy, and there’s risk of your eyes watering. However, it is also tough to get off. You’ll you’ll find you have to rub quite hard which can damage the lash. I’d advise using a normal mascara if you are looking to grow your eyelashes.  

Go makeup-free as often as you can. Try skipping applying your make up every day, makeup can damage your eyelashes. It will give your lashes a break and time to recover.

Stop rubbing your eyes. Constant rubbing can damage your eyelashes and can pull them out. This can also lead to dry eyes. Try washing your face to reduce itchiness, or dabbing cotton wool onto the eye area. 

How long does it take for eye lashes to grow back? -Takeaway

The primary role your eyelashes are to protect and maintain the health of your eye and lid. Eyelashes naturally fall out all the time, but it’s important to understand how you can prevent unnecessary accidents that pull your lashes out, and risking long-term damage to your lashes.  

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