If you’ve followed anything to do with skincare, you’ve probably noticed that the cosmetic industry is full of different serums and products to help with a range of skin conditions, including acne. But does vitamin c help acne?

Vitamin C is widely used to prevent viruses and to beat fatigue. But in recent years, vitamin c has also been used to help you improve your skin, whilst delivering on a glowing complexion. 

What causes acne?

Acne happens when an excess oil production builds up under the skins hair follicles. They become blocked and any skin cells or bacteria gets stuck in your pores causing acne. It’s also worth noticing that an increase in hormonal changes could also lead to acne or blemishes.

So, Does vitamin c help acne?

Vitamin C is seen as one of the best ingredients for skincare.

Here are some of the benefits to vitamin c –

Vitamin C can help improve the appearance of acne, it contains a high dose of anti- inflammatory properties, that reduces redness. 

The benefits to regular use of good quality vitamin C serums

You will get your best results by applying vitamin c onto your face directly, but it’s also important to keep a healthy diet to promote healthy skin and maintain health. If your looking for foods that contain vitamin C, keep on scrolling!

Conclusion – does vitamin c help acne

Applying Vitamin C regularly can help skin conditions, such as blemishes, scaring, even out skin tone and reduce dark circles. Vitamin c also promotes collagen production for anti-ageing and glowing skin. Although there is limited research that adding vitamin C to your diet will reduce acne, the vitamin does help maintain healthy lifestyle.

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