People often ask me, can you eat pizza with ulcerative colitis?

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, so it’s no surprise that this question comes up when discussing diet with ulcerative colitis.

What to eat and what not to eat can be tricky with ulcerative colitis. Food digestion can be very unpredictable with UC. It is important to eat a healthy balanced diet and avoid foods that trigger your symptoms. Keeping a food diary can help determine these triggers and help you learn to shape a diet that works for you.

During a flare up however it is advised people with UC stick to a low residue low fibre diet to limit the impact on the bowel. Dairy and greasy foods can be an issue for people with ulcerative colitis.

But with all this in mind, can you eat pizza with ulcerative colitis?

I limit my intake of Pizza, due to its high levels of unhealthy trans fats, dairy, added sugars and processed ingredients. Eating pizza with ulcerative colitis cause gas and discomfort/bloating which can put stress on overall gut health. I have also found eating too much quantity of foods like this makes me feel sluggish, both mentally and physically which can impact my overall wellbeing. Some people may be able to tolerate pizza just fine, while others will suffer more negative symptoms. One thing is for sure, it is not always a great choice for your health. But, if you can tolerate pizza on occasion, which pizza is best?

Which Pizza is best?

I avoid Pizza unless it is in small amounts on occasion, in favor of a more healthy balanced diet. I prefer to opt for foods lower in fat, higher in protein that are richer in nutrients to feel healthier and boost my mood. 

If I do eat Pizza, I avoid fast food and frozen because these are particularly high in trans fat, sodium and other unhealthy ingredients. I go for freshly made Pizza where the ingredients are home made, with less sugar and coloring. I also prefer thinner crust Pizza as these tend to have less calories and fat content and are easier on the gut. I go for fresh vegetable toppings, to add some extra goodness. Making Pizza at home is the best way to enjoy it, so you can control the ingredients. This way, especially when enjoyed in small amounts, I can tollerate Pizza ok with minimal bloating, gas and odor. It will also limit the impacts of unhealthy foods on your physical and mental health.

So, can you eat Pizza ulcerative colitis?

As with most foods and ulcerative colitis, we are all different and some of us tolerate foods better than others. It’s always best to try foods in moderation to test how your body reacts. But one thing is for certain, there are better healthier alternatives that you should prioritise to improve mental and physical health and limit stress on your gut health with ulcerative colitis. If you are tempted for a slice, eat in moderation and avoid fast food, greasy, heavily loaded with cheese pizzas. Stick to homemade, or freshly made pizza where you can limit the impacts of fat, grease, dairy and tomato sauce.

Living with ulcerative colitis is tough and it’s not just diet choices are difficult. Here is more advice on eating, working and living with UC.