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If you have ulcerative colitis, an ileostomy, or both, maintaining your quality of life can be challenging. However, even when your medical circumstances are difficult, you can develop a wellness toolkit that helps you improve your self-care.

Practice Gratitude

Even if you are in pain, practising gratitude can be extraordinarily helpful. Studies show that being grateful for what you have can significantly reduce pain levels. The practice can also substantially improve your psychological well-being by unshackling you from toxic emotions. In fact, it can be so profound that it has lasting effects on the brain. 

Be Present

Being present is another ancient tool for psychological well-being. When you abide in the present moment, thoughts of the past (what could have been) or the future (what might happen) no longer afflict you. Being present reduces the chatter in your mind and stops it from dominating your life. 

Practice Yoga

Yoga practices challenge the body physically, but also offer psychological benefits, too. They are a form of moving meditation, helping to alleviate unwanted thoughts and become more at peace. Studies show that therapeutic yoga lowers resting heart rate, improves endurance, and reduces stress

Do Breathing Exercises

Lastly, many patients with ileostomy, ulcerative colitis, or both, perform deep breathing exercises. These send signals to the brain, telling the fight-or-flight centres that you are safe, reducing stress and calming you down. You’ll notice that after just a few long, deep breaths, you feel significantly more relaxed.