Looking to achieve a bubble butt look? Look no further.

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Let’s be real… Very few people are born with bubble butt genes, and for most of us, it requires hard work, dedication and commitment. It’s only human nature to want what we haven’t got… and that’s exactly why most people strive for a fuller, firmer, and bigger butt.

It’s incredibly common for those that devote all their effort and energy into their bubble butt goals, to see a lack of results. The reason being, there is not a ‘one way’ approach, despite what you may be told. The steps to success, largely depends on a number of different circumstances which we will cover later in this article.

I feel your pain. I’ve spent months and years in the gym, following unreliable sources of information, which only waste my time and energy. Not only it didn’t give me the results I wanted, it also ruined my confidence and faith in achieving my goal. 

What if I told you that it is more than achievable? The best part? With the right plan, you are in total control of making it happen. 

If your willing to work hard, change up your workout routine, and commit to a few lifestyle changes, not only will you reap the benefits of an awesome butt to look at, but these muscles will help you walk, sit, run, and jump. 

So, looking for the ultimate bubble butt to look hot in those new pair of jeans? Or just looking to get stronger and reap the health benefits… This article is your guide to achieving that toned and lifted bubble butt….. That actually works!

Take my word for it – Lifestyle change is the way forward to achieve this look, and avoid those extreme and unnecessary butt enhancement surgeries. 

Your body type

While your booty size is largely determined by genetics, which dictate where you store fat, there are definitely strategies you can put in place to get the ultimate bubble butt! 

First things first, know your body type. This will dictate what path you take to obtaining your awesome bubble butt. Not to mention, it will save you a ton of time in the gym by isolating and choosing the right exercises to suit your goals. 

It’s important to know that your body type influences how much fat you store, how and where you put on muscle. For those reason, it’s important to understand your body type and tailor your workout to your body. For example, should you tend to store fat/muscle in your lower body, you will need to do completely different exercises compared to those who don’t. 

Muscles To Work for a Firm Butt

Your glutes, butt, tush, backside, or bubble butt, are by far the largest and strongest muscle in your body. Your butt consists of 3 major muscles, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. 

How to get a bubble butt starts with understanding the muscles you need to work to reach your goals.

It is essential to combine and gain muscle in all three areas of the butt to obtain that perfect bubble butt look. By combining all 3 parts, it will create shape, fullness and roundness – which is the perfect combination for the bubble butt. 

It’s also important to remember that your hamstrings are key for building a lean, toner butt. The hamstrings extend up towards your glute muscles, therefore, it’s super important to include hamstring exercises in your workout when working your glutes.

The importance of Strengthening your glutes

Your glutes are the largest muscle in your body, and they’re responsible for so many different movements. It is important to strengthen your butt for overall strength, fitness and avoid risk of injury to other parts of the body. For example, if your glutes are not strong, other muscles will overcompensate leading to injury, this is common amongst runners. 

5 Benefits of Glutes Training

1. Better posture

Having underdeveloped glutes can have a negative impact on your posture, as your butt is partly responsible for stabilising you. When your glutes aren’t properly toned, other parts of your body will overcompensate, pulling your upper body and shoulders out of alignment. Issues can also arise for your hip flexors – if they are stronger than your glutes, they can pull your pelvis into an unnatural alignment. Resulting in poor posture and pain. 

2. Pain reduction and injury prevention 

Strong glutes support the lower back, and stabilise your pelvis to help protect your hips, and lower body from injury. 

Overtime, if you’ve got weak glutes, other muscles will overcompensate and become overworked and stressed, resulting in injury and pain. When this happens injuries such as shin splints, sprains and IT band injuries can occur. 

3. Improved athletic performance

Strong glutes boost your speed, endurance and agility. Building strength in your butt is key to athletic performance.

4. Increased bone density

Exercise can reverse the effects of age related bone density loss. Exercises such as weight training, yoga, and running can provide many health benefits; such as mobilisation, stability and movement.

5. Weight loss

Your glutes are the largest muscle in your body, therefore exercising your butt will burn more calories and enhance weight loss. Top tip: Try detox drinks to enhance weight loss further.

6.Overall strength 

Training your butt will provide overall strength, it will allow you to stabilise your body to lift heavier upper body weights, sprint faster and align your body to avoid injury. 

The Best Bubble Butt Workouts


Circuit Training

Your body adjusts to the same exercise routines, therefore you will probably find by performing the same exercise movements, you won’t get the results you want. Varying your workout will create impact, not only it will give you maximum results, but also to prevent you from getting bored.

Here are some booty busting workouts to try: 

Choose 3-4 of these exercises and complete 12-16 reps x3 times.

For best results, repeat your circuit 3 times with no rest. As you get stronger, challenge yourself and include resistant bands or weights. 

Exercises To Get a Fuller Bubble Butt


  1. Stand upright, shoulders back with your feet hip-distance apart.
  2. Bend your knees and extend your buttocks backward as if you are going to sit back into a chair. 
  3. Keeping your weight in your heels, and butt just above knees, hold this position for a few seasons.
  4. Using the weight in your heels, squeeze your flutes and push yourself back up and repeat.

Top tip: To challenge yourself, add a weight plate in front of your body or use a barbell. 


  1. Start with your legs hip-width apart 
  2. Bring one leg behind into a backwards lunge. Apply your weight into your front leg, at a 90-degree angle, with your back leg behind.
  3. Swing both arms in front of that bent knee and push your body weight
  4. Move the back leg forward to switch sides in a skating motion, moving your arms to the other side. 

Jumping Squats

  1. Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and lower into a squat position 
  2. Keeping a slight bend in the knees, your back straight and chest lifted.
  3. Swing arms overhead and jump straight up, land with your knees bent. 
  4. As you rise back up, use your body to push yourself back into a jumping position and land returning to squat.

Glute Bridges

  1. Lie on back with bent knees hip-distance apart, and push your butt upwards with control. 
  2. Keep feet flat on the floor and stacked under the knees.
  3. Engage the core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips to a bridge and back down. 


  1. Start standing, feet together.  
  2. Step one leg back, just a normal step, then drop both the back leg towards the floor.  
  3. Keep your hands on your hips and chest up, then return to standing position.  
  4. Repeat and alternate the other leg.


  1. In a standing position, chest high and shoulders back. 
  2. Hinge forward from the hips.
  3. keeping your spine straight.
  4. Keep hinging and feel the pull in your hamstrings, and when your hands are just below your knees (or toes depending on flexibility).  Hold for a few seconds and return to upright position.
  5. Repeat.

Top tip: For more of a challenge, try this move on a single leg, placing one of your legs backwards and hovering above the floor. 

Donkey Kick

  1. Start on all fours and body square.  
  2. Extend one leg, until parallel with the floor, then bend the knee, foot facing the ceiling.
  3. Kick your foot to the corner of the room and towards the ceiling, 
  4. Focus on squeezing your glute.
  5. Avoid dropping your leg down when you’ve completed one kick, keep the tension in the glute.

Top tip: Try adding a resistant band for more strength and challenge.


  1. Position your body on the side, with your legs stacked, head off the floor and arms down 
  2. Bend your hips and knees to make a 90-degree angle. Your feet should be in line with your butt.
  3. Keep your bottom leg on the floor, and lift your top knee as high as you can while keeping your feet together.
  4. Focus on keeping the tension in your glutes when repeating this move. Use a resistant band for more challenge. 

The banded side step

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place a resistance band below your knees or around your ankles.
  3. Bend your knees and lower your glutes above knee level.
  4. Step to the right with your right foot, pushing your knees outwards to create tension in the butt. 
  5. Complete 5 steps to the right, and then 5 steps to the left x5 sets with no rest.

Why Am I Not Seeing Results?

Here are some common reasons: 

  1. Your workout doesn’t suit your body shape or work all of the muscles required for the bubble butt – This is the most common reason, your workout doesn’t specifically target all parts of the glutes, or your rep range or weights may need be change if you’ve reached a plateau.
  2. Diet-  This is a major contributor to the bubble butt. If you not eating enough calories, or the right type of foods then you may end up with a pancake butt. 
  3. Not putting enough effort in-  You May be doing all the right things but ticking boxes, this might be happening if your bored. Try switching up your routines, a good playlist or find a gym partner to motivate you. 
  4. Injury – A bubble butt needs thick thighs, a strong core and hamstrings. Your other muscles could be over compensating for the lack of muscle in your butt and cause strain, rather than muscle tension.
  5. Too much cardio- Too much cardio or calorie deficit can lead to losing muscle. You definitely need an element of healthy fat to obtain the bubble butt. Cardio is super important for our health, to obtain the bubble butt look, try mountain climbers, stair climbers or incline/hill runs for strength and cardio. 

Bubble Butt Nutrition 

Your butt literally can’t grow if your not consuming the right foods. It’s important that you don’t miss meal times, you plan your meals ahead of time, consume plenty of protein and healthy fats, and stay hydrated. 

The importance of protein for a fuller butt 

Every muscle needs protein, however, more so your butt as it’s the largest muscle in your body. Protein is key to the growth, development, and repair after a hard work out. Although protein supplements will help, you need to also find natural lean proteins in food, such as;

The main thing to consider here, is to stick to natural healthy fats, and avoid processed foods. Processed foods are full of refined sugars, excess salts and leave you feeling lethargic, and bloated.

Styling Options to Enhance Your bubble butt

Shapewear for a bigger booty

Although a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and exercise can help target the booty and provide the shape and tone you desire, this takes time, effort and commitment. This is a long term goal, but what if you are looking for immediate results in the short term, whilst you wait for your booty busting rewards?

This is where shape wear comes in. Shape wear gives you instant booty enhancement, lifting and shaping your butt. Here are a few of my favourite options:

Padded underwear 

You can purchase padded underwear or pads to place in your underwear. 

Avoid saggy jeans 

Opt for tighter jeans, saggy jeans will make your butt look flat. 

Wear tight leggings 

Make leggings and yoga pants your go to outfit. Not only you can purchase bum lifting leggings, most leggings will also enhance your curves

Wear bright colours 

Avoid black leggings or jeans that are black. Wearing black can slim down your figure, try bright and bold colours to enhance the shape. 

To conclude; If you don’t strengthen your butt, you risk tight and shortened hip flexors. Not only this can increase the risk for injury to our hips, knees and other body parts, but it can cause us to slouch when we sit, or hunch over when we are stand. Strong glutes are key for alignment. Growing your butt takes time, effort and commitment, through diet, exercise and a good mindset. In the short term, you can invest in different styling options to give you the desired look, whilst you work on your long term fitness and health goals. 

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