One of the most common questions I get around protein is where does protein digestion begin and why is protein digestion so important. 

Protein is a critical building block of your body. Consuming and digesting protein properly, not only allows your body to function properly, but it also helps you to achieve multiple lifestyle goals, such as building muscle, better recovery times, reduces risk of injury and improves skin health. 

Protein digestion also contributes to boosting energy levels and your immune system, leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle. 

What is protein? 

Protein is a nutrient your body needs to grow and repair cells, and to function properly.

It’s important to include protein in your diet every day via foods and supplements to lead a healthy lifestyle. How much protein you need from your diet varies depending on your gender, age and weight

Where does protein digestion begin 

Protein digestion begins in the small intestine, which contains microvilli. Microvilli are found on almost all cell types, and are small, finger-like elements that helps your small intestine to absorb nutrients and amino acids. 

So, because protein digestion begins in the small intestine, it absorbs the nutrient and then filters it through your system. Amino acids are then released into your bloodstream, which takes them to cells in other parts of your body so they can start repairing tissue and building muscle.

How to increase protein digestion

You need to consistently feed your body protein on a daily basis, and the amount required depends on your gender, health, age and weight. However, it’s also important to keep your gut healthy as before your body can use protein, it needs to be digested and absorbed properly. 

Habits to follow for better protein digestion

In addition to choosing the right protein sources, you can also adopt certain habits to help get the most out the food you eat. Such as; 

Foods high in protein

Conclusion – where does protein digestion begin

So, when it comes to the topic relating to; where does protein digestion begin, it is important to understand that the protein digestion begins in the small intestine, then released into your blood stream to distribute to the relevant cells. However, you need to ensure you adopt healthy habits to maintain a healthy gut for effective absorption of the protein.