Wellness shots are a small juice drink that is a blend of vitamins, nutrients, herbs and spices. They can be found in most shopping markets, however, making your own can come with enormous health benefits for many reasons. Such as;

When should you take a wellness shot

Shots can be taken anytime, but I typically make mine in the morning, on an empty stomach to help with nutrient absorption. Everyone’s body is different, I would recommend listening to your body and trying different times of the day to see what works for you. 

How often do you drink a wellness shot?

Most wellness shots can be taken every day, However, I would suggest starting with taking one once in the morning and tracking how your body reacts and feels, then you can decide if you want to increase the number consumed.  

Can you freeze wellness shots

You can freeze most shots that you prepare, consider making a batch of your favourite wellness shot, pouring the liquid into an ice cube tray and popping it into the freezer. You can then just simply defrost the ice cube whenever you need to. 

What can you add to your wellness shot

Here is some popular ingredients to add to your juice, it’s important to note that different ingredients come with different health benefits. Understanding what health benefit you are looking to achieve will help you chose what to include. 

What can you add to your detox juice?


 Turmeric has the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer’s and cancer. It also comes with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


Lemon Boosts immune system, Helps with digestion and detoxification. It can also be used as a Energy booster and often used for weight loss purposes 


A natural remedy, used around the world, ginger relieves sickness and discomfort, has anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger can also promote better digestion, lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

Raw honey 

Raw honey comes with massive health benefits, Consuming two tablespoons of honey a day can offer health benefits such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, natural allergy remedy and energy booster.

Coconut water 

Coconut water is excellent for wellness health and gut health. It promotes healthier skin, high in electrolytes, high in potassium, and relieves dehydration. 

How do I make a wellness shot recipes 

Here are some of my favourite combinations for a morning wellness juice. These are super easy to make and full of nutrients and vitamins. 

Orange & Spice Wellness shots

Turmeric & Ginger wellness shots

Celery & Green

Benefits of drinking wellness shots


Wellness shots are a great way to get all the nutrients and vitamins you need. They can be pre made in advance making it a convenient choice to keep healthy during a busy lifestyle.

Looking for a healthier diet? Try these anti inflammatory snacks.