A shoulder and tricep workout can play a huge role in upper-body strength

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A good shoulders and triceps workout hits all three parts of your muscles, not only this will give you overall strength, improve posture, but it will help with any muscle imbalances (one side stronger than the other)

Let’s get straight into it. 

Workout plan 

The shoulder and tricep workout plan requires 2 Light to medium-weight dumbbells.

Exercise plan – Option 1

Superset 1

Superset 2 

Directions for the superset 

There are many benefits to superset weight training. Not only this will build greater muscle tone, increase muscular endurance, promote fat burn, but it will also help if you don’t have much spare time. 

Superset 1: preform 8-12 reps of each move with no rest in between exercise moves. Rest 60-90 seconds after both moves are complete. Repeat 2 more times

Superset 2: preform 8-12 reps of each move with no rest in between exercise moves. Rest 60-90 seconds after both exercises are complete. Repeat 2 more times.

It’s important to focus on quality over quantity, choose weights that will challenge you, but also allow you to preform 8-12 reps with good form. 

Top tips for the shoulder and tricep workout

1 of 1: Bent-Over Reverse Fly

  1. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold a weight in each hand  
  2. Bend your elbows slightly and raise both arms out to your side on, with your palms facing one another. 
  3. Squeeze the shoulder blades together as you pull the weight toward the spine.
  4. Control and Lower the weight back to the start position. Keeping eye level on the floor in front of you, shoulders down and keep your chin tucked to maintain a straight back. 

1 of 2: Arnold Press

  1. Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height, with elbows bent and palms facing body.
  2. Moving your left and right arm together, move your elbows out wide to sides while rotating hands so palms face forward 
  3. The lift your arms above your head until your arms are straight and biceps are by ears. Keeping a slight bend in the elbows at all times to protect your joints 
  4. Avoid shrugging your shoulders and focus on keeping your shoulders back and down
  5. Finally, lower your arms while keeping the tension in the shoulders, until you reach shoulder level and reverse the move. 

2 of 1 – Tricep Dips

  1. Using a bench, chair or the sofa, start in a seated position. Slide your bum slightly off the bench, and apply all the weight into the  palm of your hands. 
  2. Keeping your back close to the bench, lower yourself until your elbows are bent between 45 and 90 degrees. Avoid locking out your elbows by keeping a soft bend at all times. 
  3. Then using the palm of your hands, lift and control your weight upward to return to the starting position. Make sure your back is straight and avoid shrugging your shoulders by keeping them down. 

2 of 2 – overhead tricep extensions 

  1.  Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart for your starting position.  
  2. Grab your weight with both hands, if using a plate, opt for a narrow shape as the closer your triceps are to your head, the more benefit you will see.
  3. Keep your back straight by squeezing your glutes, and bracing your abs.
  4. With your palms facing toward each other and the plate, extend your arms upward and over head. 
  5. Keep your elbows pressing close to your head and your biceps near your ears throughout the move.  
  6. Bending at the elbow, slowly move the plate down to the back of your neck 
  7. Applying pressure in your triceps, squeeze them and extend the plate back up overhead, keeping elbows near your head at all times 

Exercises plan – option 2

Superset 1

Superset 2 

1 of 2: lateral arm raises

  1. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, back straight, weights held at your sides. 
  2. Lift your dumbbells to elbow level, Your palms should be facing one another. 
  3. Avoid arching your lower back by Squeezing your glutes for stability, and slowly raise the dumbbells up to around shoulder height. Do not go above your shoulders.
  4. Then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
  5. Do not let the dumbbells touch your body or each other. Repeat 

2 of 2: Front raises (shoulder and tricep workout)

  1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your body. 
  2. Brace your core, then slowly raise both dumbbells in front of you, stopping when your arms are shoulder height. 
  3. Bracing your core and squeezing your bum will provide stability during the movement, slowly lower your weights back to starting position. 

1 of 2: Tricep kickback

  1. Bend your knees forward and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your core tight and back flat.
  2. Hold your left arm at your sides, with a dumbbell in your hand, palms facing your body.
  3. Keep the elbow soft, raise your arm to the back of the room until your forearm are parallel to the ground, keeping your elbows tight by your rib cage.
  4. Squeeze the backs of your arms throughout the movement, and bring your arms back to the start. 

2 of 2: The Halo 

  1. This move is excellent for tricep and shoulder work.
  2. In a standing or seated position, with both hands, hold your dumbbell at your chest.
  3. Lift the weight slightly in front of you to head level, and slowly circle it to the right, around your head, making a halo shape. 
  4. Keeping your back straight and core tight, repeat the move again to the left side of your head. 

Shoulder and tricep workout – Conclusion

Training shoulders and triceps together is an excellent way to burn fat and tone your body fast. As you progress with this workout and 12 reps at a significant weight becomes easier, consider performing both options in the same workout to increase intensity and get great looking shoulders fast. Be sure to reduce weight and gradually build up the reps and weight as you get fitter.

Looking to add more muscle groups to your workouts? Check out this great chest workout to burn fat and tone your body fast.

If you do not have equipment, and want to get fit fast check out this workout at home which requires no equipment.