There’s lot of information out there about acne, but very little on shoulder acne right? This is something I used to struggle with for years. Avoiding certain clothing and always having to find ways to cover up your shoulders, sound familiar? Well your in the right place, and below we will review the causes and my top tips on preventing shoulder acne to boost your confidence and wear what you want. 

What is acne 

Acne in general is one of the most common skin concerns, that can affect teenagers and as well as adults. Acne occurs when dead skin cells and excess oil gets trapped in a pore and clogs it. Resulting in infection and inflammation. Often, We associate acne with the t-zone (forehead acne) but in fact, shoulder acne is super common. 

Different types of acne 

Acne can differ in size, color, and severity.

Here is what to look out for: 

Causes for shoulder acne 

Acne can affect all ages and genders, Shoulder acne can occur for a number of reasons. While the acne itself can be the same as other parts of your body, some of our habits can worsen shoulder acne. Such as;

Acne mechanica

Acne mechanica can be triggered by heat, rubbing and friction. Exercising with tight clothing can worsen this condition, as it causes high amounts of friction when sweating. Lifestyle changes such as wearing breathable clothing when working out can help. 

Excess sebaceous secretions

During puberty, the sebaceous glands often produce more oils (sebum). This can lead to the pores getting clogged with oil and bacterial. It’s often misunderstood that acne appears due to lack of hygiene, but in fact, acne starts under the skin.

Keratosis pilaris

This is a condition often referred to as chicken skin. The condition consists of small red bumps often appear on the back of the arms and shoulders. Put simply, the dead skin clogs the hair follicle and produces red bumps.

Home remedies

Antibacterial products

There is a reason why so many products contain tea tree oil, witch hazel, lemon, eucalyptus or peppermint. Using products containing anti bacterial properties, will reduce the bacteria build up and keep your skin clean and healthy.

Anti inflammatory products for shoulder acne

Soothing the skin, and using anti inflammatory ingredients will help relieve the skins pain, and redness. Products with ingredients such as aleo Vera, calendula, chamomile will help calm the skin. 

Oatmeal bath for shoulder acne

Oatmeal baths will moisturise the skin, whilst soothing the inflammation and redness of your skin. 


Drinking plenty of water will prevent your skin drying out and producing excess oils. Your body recognises that your skin is dry, and in an attempt to hydrate it, it produces more oils to clog the skin. Ensure you keep well hydrated, try adding lemon to your water for further nutrients to prevent acne.

Avoid touching shoulder acne

Avoid touching the skin without washing your hands, the bacteria on your hands will transfer over to your shoulders and cause infection. 

Wash clothing and bedding 

Regularly wash your clothing and bedding, this will help keep the skin clean. 


Don’t forget to moisturise but avoid heavy, greasy moisturiser. Try a light, water based moisturiser with Aloe Vera or anti bacterial ingredients. 

Shoulder Acne – Conclusion 

Shoulder acne is a common skin condition, that can be managed and controlled by changing lifestyle habits, a good diet and home remedies.