Are you wondering what causes dry elbows? How to care for dry elbows? Or perhaps how to prevent dry elbows. Either way, look no further, you are in the right place!

What are dry elbows

Dry elbows is a common skin condition with several causes, it is more common for your elbows to dry out than many other parts of your body. Not only we can be forgetful and neglect our elbows, but also because of lifestyle habits or our environment can impact our elbows. We will cover this throughout the article.

Why is the skin different on your elbows?

Your elbows are used a lot more than you probably notice, they are in contact with different Surfaces – Whether that’s helping you get up, leaning on the kitchen table, certain exercise routines, or just simply holding your head up on your desk. Either way, this makes your skin thicker than other parts of your body, and it can therefore cause a greater risk of you experiencing dry elbows.

There are also other reasons why you may suffer from dry elbows such as;

Symptoms to look out for

Dry elbows can make the skin on and around the elbow itchy, red and possibly sore. Here are some common symptoms to look out for to determine If your elbows are dry.

Allow your elbows to heal

Wearing soft clothing to reduce the friction can really help you, also avoid picking or itching your elbows as this will prolong the healing.

What is discoloured elbows

Having discoloured elbows is completely common, your elbows buildup dead skin cells which make the joint look flakey and patchy. There is a few things we can do to remove the discolouring and dryness.

Home remedies for dry elbows

Closing the right moisturiser for your skin can massively benefit you. Here’s a few of my favourite ingredients. You can pick up products from most stores which contain these ingredients. Its important to note that if your dry elbows are due to a medical condition such as eczema, then to consult your doctor.

How to care for dry elbows – Conclusion

Dry skin is a common condition, and although dry elbows can be uncomfortable, symptoms often are short term. If you hydrate well, moisturise daily, change up a few things in your lifestyle, it will most likely clear up in no time. Alternatively, speak to your doctor or pharmacist, and there will be over the counter products that they can advise you to use.

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