What is the story behind the double rainbow meaning?

We live in a highly demanding society, and often become consumed within our own thoughts and challenges, this can often cloud our judgment and ability to gain perspective, and we tend to forget that we are part of something much bigger.

Ever heard the phrase, ‘Stop and smell the roses?’ It means to intentionally direct your mind to be aware and attentive to the present moment. If we prevent ourselves from doing so, we sacrifice allowing our bodies to experience the present, and potentially miss important signals that life itself seeks to send us. 

The double rainbow meaning 

The double rainbow meaning is pure, and it’s one of those rare life experiences that connects us to the world. Rainbows are a sign of possibilities, opportunities and hope. In the midst of life’s storms it is often hard to spot a rainbow, but these signs of hope only appear after the storm. 

‘The sense or belief that there is something greater than myself’, meaning that we are one with life. Put simply, we are not disconnected from the world as a whole, but we are connected to it by spirituality and belief. 

The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing A Double Rainbow

A double rainbow symbolises transformation in life. Many people feel a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, they believe in a bigger purpose and it typically involves searching for the meaning of life. 

From a spiritual perspective, seeing a double rainbow, is the world trying to teach us something, inspire us, and send us a message to redirect us or keep us on the right path to success, growth and opportunity. Seeing a double rainbow is also a major sign that life is reminding you to be true to yourself, find your spiritual self and to take time to reflect, discover and grow. 

What Does It Mean To See It In A Dream?

A double rainbow is all about change, rediscovering and growth. It’s a sign to nudge you out of your comfort zone, and think bigger.

A double rainbow in your life or dreams, doesn’t just appear for no reason. Often it is reminding you to align with your true self, follow your heart and trust your intuition. Take time to reflect on what’s happening in your life and what this magical and inspirational sign is trying to tell you. 

Double Rainbow meaning 

There are a few possibilities to consider when searching for why the double rainbow has entered your life. 

Your Breakthrough is Around the Corner

A double rainbow is an assurance that your hard work, dedication, hopes, and dreams have not been ignored. 

Spiritual Growth

This can symbolise your new stage in life, the arc represents a bridge and it connects your material world to your spiritual world. This is a sign that you have achieved your life assignment and it’s time to move onto your next assignment to achieve your ultimate life purpose. 

One ending leads to a New Beginnings

This can be a spiritual sign that you need an adjustment to your current path, with only one-half of the circle visible above the ground, it means that your life is a full circle, and yet to be explored. A double rainbow can often signify a new beginning, perhaps you’ve taken a step into the wrong direction, or you need to change your direction for a bigger impact, its natures way of telling you to reassess and rediscover your direction, to achieve your life purpose. 

Good Omen

Double rainbows can bring warmth, happiness and closure. This is a sign that your dead loved ones or your protector, is there and your not alone. This will help you realise you’re not alone, and keep you on track. 

Hope and Encouragement

A double rainbow meaning can come at a time  in your life where you need to feel a sense of hope or encouragement to move forward. This is a sign that you can do this, and you must continue with good intentions and keep going. 

Inner Awakening

This is a sense of belonging and enlightenment. There comes a time in life were we can feel ‘stuck’ and the double rainbow is there to remind you of who you truly are. It allows you to reflect on current path, identify if any changes need to be made for you to reach your potential. It symbolises connection, inner peace, compassion and trust in yourself, allowing you to remove negative attachment and grow. 

How to understand what it means for you

Consider these things when you see a Double Rainbow

Mythological Double Rainbow Meaning 

The double rainbow, has a strong connection to the ancient and mythical creature – the leprechaun. It suggests that there is a ‘pot of gold at the end of the rainbow’. Although this may be seen as a myth, there is a deep meaning behind it. The sun is a symbol of energy and happiness, and the storm symbolises clouded thoughts and negative times, however the rainbow only appears after the storm and once the clouds start to break. Therefore if you allow your body to experience the present, and what life is trying to teach you, there’s a sense of hope and luck coming your way. 

If you are looking to gain a deeper connection with your inner thoughts, reiki meditation is a great way to build that deeper connection to your feelings.