Chin Acne is the worst, not only its very different to treat compared to your average spot, but its also looks much more bigger, angrier, and is sore.

Breakouts occur when your pores become blocked by excess oil or dead skin cells, then when the natural bacteria on your skin gets trapped, this develops into the redness and inflammation we refer to as a pimple.

What Causes Breakouts On the Chin

Often pimples occur in women between the age of 21-45, and can last up to 3 weeks at a time; with this in mind, its even more important for us to identify ways we can get rid of breakouts fast as they are super common. While acne is typically caused by hormonal imbalances within the body that stimulate oil production, chin acne is cause by an increased amount of bacteria that gets trapped within the pore and results more of a cyst and pustules.

This type of breakout will often get worse if you use regular spot treatments as they are differently formed compared to your typical spot. Regular spot treatments are used to dry out the spot, but chin acne sits deep within the skin and the spot treatment will only dry out the top layer. Therefore, a different approach is required.

Avoid Picking or squeezing the area: This will only result in the inflammation getting worse.

Don’t touch your face: This type of spot is born from bacteria, meaning if you touch your face it can inflame and worsen the symptoms.

How To Prevent Chin Acne In The First Place

How To Get Rid Of Chin Acne Fast

Light Therapy: Kills bacteria sitting underneath the skin that causes chin acne, and red light then fights inflammation. You can purchase at home masks.

Lymphatic Drainage: This therapy helps your skin release any trapped sebum underneath the skin. A face brush or learning how to perform the lymphatic drainage on yourself will help the chin acne.

Use Products with Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide: These over the counter products will combat your acne with fast results. The powerful ingredients kill bacteria, promote exfoliation and help remove oil.

Adjust your diet: Eating greasy food can lead to overloading your skin with excess sebum.

Ice: Pop a few ice cubes within a tea towel and apply it to the inflamed area, this will help calm down the redness

Corrector: Using a yellow or green corrector before applying your makeup will help counteract the redness. Follow up with the foundation that matches your undertone.

Primer: Apply a water based primer over your face, this will help even out the skin tone.

Essential oil: Apply green tea extract, zinc, or tea tree oil to the area before bed

How To Treat Stubborn Acne

More stubborn chin acne may require professional advice from a dermatologist, they can help advise on the best treatment for your skin type. You may consider some of the following: