Put simply, a low carb diet focuses on high protein, and certain vegetables. There are lots of limitations that you need to be aware of, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back; this article will cover everything you need about carbs; from the basics, what to avoid, and will the carbs in milk make the list?

What are carbs

Carbs are not all bad, but there are some that are healthier than others. You can find carbs in many foods, but it’s important to be mindful that unhealthy carbs are put into processed foods by adding starch or added refined sugars. 

The three types of carbs are sugar, fibre and starch. 

Types of carbs

Before understanding the impacts of carbs in milk for example, it’s important to understand the different types of carbs. Carbohydrates are broken down into two categories; simple and complex. 

Simple carbs: Often related to sugar, such as fizzy drinks, or processed foods. These carbs are digested quickly, and will make you feel hungry soon after eating. Simple carbs can also cause your blood sugar to suddenly spike, then crash. Most people refer to this as a ‘food crash’.

Complex carbs: Are related to fibre and starch, such as wholegrain and vegetables.

Benefits of Complex Carbs

There are two major benefits to carbs.

What happens if you cut out carbs

This process is called Ketosis; most commonly known for the ‘Keto diet’. Reducing your carbohydrate limits can cause your body to burn fat rather than carbs for energy; there is lots of evidence to show weight loss in the short term. While there are disadvantages to this; such as fatigue and headaches. 

It can be a difficult one to work out, as not all healthy food is suitable for a low carb diet. For example; many fruits and vegetables while good for your health, are higher in carbs. 

Foods to Avoid

It’s important to eat carbs for a healthy lifestyle, eating carbs can regulate weight, and provide much needed energy. But it can be a good idea to be mindful and consider limiting sugar intake and simple carbs, particularly at night, in addition to eating a fibre-rich diet of fruits and vegetables if you plan to lose weight.

Here are some other foods to avoid:

How Many Carbs In Milk?

As per the guidelines, most full cream milk has 12g of carbs per cup. It’s important to remember that when the fat is reduced, the carbs are increased to compensate. 

Different Carbs in Milk

Carbs in milk is typically a no-go when considering a Keto diet. Here is a rough guide to give you an idea on the carbs. 

Sadly, not all dairy products are suitable on a low-carb diet. Unless using a small amount of milk, it’s usually advised to stay away if you want to lose weight on a low-carb diet. However, you can use unsweetened varieties or nut milks as an alternative, check out this post to burn carbs naturally.