Sunken Eyes: Causes, remedies, and how to avoid

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Sunken eyes.. urgh. 

Let’s get real, dark circles under the eye can make you look tired, older, or unhealthy. We’ve all been there at some stage, and sunken eyes can appear for many reasons. This article will cover the causes, home remedies and top tips to look younger, healthier and more vibrant. 

What are sunken eyes?

The skin under your eyes can sometimes appear dark or sunken, this is because the skin beneath the eye is more delicate than the rest of your body. Dark circles form when the blood vessels are disturbed, giving the appearance of darker shadows or rings under the eye or sometimes a puffy look. 

Factors such as increased stress, poor nutrition, unhealthy living and fatigue are all examples of why dark circles and sunken eyes occur. It’s important to know that often when these causes are corrected, it can significantly reduce the symptoms. 

What are the symptoms of sunken eyes?

Dark circles or sunken eyes appear different from person to person, here are some examples of what to look out for:

 Causes of sunken eyes

As you get older, collagen production begins to slow. Collagen is the glue that helps the body maintain its shape and structure by binding tissues and cells. Therefore, the Skins elasticity reduces, wrinkles form and the first place where collagen loss is most noticeable is underneath the eye area.

Deficiencies of vitamin c, vitamin D, K, E, and iron can cause your eyes to appear darker and more sunken. Vitamin c is responsible for promoting iron absorption, which helps with fatigue and decreases bruising. Vitamin k is responsible for blood clotting, and vitamin E and D both contribute to healthy skin. 

The tissue around the eyes is thinner and more delicate than most areas of the body. When you rub your eyes the blood vessels can break, and cause bruising that forms the appearance of dark eye circles. 

Staring at your phone, laptop or television can enlarge the blood vessels around your eyes and cause digital eye strain

When you lose a lot of weight, the fat loss tends to be more visible on your face. This can cause blood vessels be beneath the eyes to become more noticeable 

It is advised that most adults need between 7-9 hours sleep per night. Not getting enough sleep can not only affect your mood, but also your eye appearance. 

Dry skin is a major cause of dark circles under eyes, therefore drinking plenty of water will help reduce symptoms. Also reducing your caffeine and alcohol intake as both can dehydrate your skin. 

Not only smoking can dry your skin out, it reduces the oxygen in your blood, degrades collagen and causes your skin to lose elasticity

Waking up with dry eyes and excessively Rubbing them can lead to dark circles. Additionally, other allergy Symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes and throat can also lead to a lack of sleep, causing fatigue which could also result in sunken eyes. 

Exposing yourself to UV rays, will increase your bodies production of melanin, which darkens our skin, it can also make the dark circles more prominent under your eye. 

The pressure, pain and Inflammation of the sinuses can make your eyes appear dark and sunken.

Home remedies

To help reduce sunken eye symptoms, try the following:

4 steps to covering sunken eyes with makeup 

Makeup is a total lifesaver in my opinion, with the right technique and product you can hide away those dark circles. 

Step 1

Choose a face wash that will help with dull and tired skin. Opting for a product that contains vitamin e, vitamin c, caffeine, menthol, lemon or turmeric will energise the skin. 

Step 2

Start by applying a good eye cream, choose an eye cream which contains ingredients like vitamin c, tri-peptide, hyaluronic acid, blurring minerals, and vitamin c to help reduce the dark circles. 

Step 3

Apply corrector to the inner corners and under the eyes using a brush or fingertips. Pick a Peach color correcting shade to counteract green or brown discoloration and Bisque color correcting shade to counteract blue or purple discoloration. Making sure the color is lighter than your foundation. 

Step 4

Using your fingertips or a brush, apply a corrector under eyes and gently blend out toward cheekbones.


Sunken eyes are a product of poor lifestyle, diet or stress. Knowing the cause can help pinpoint any of these simple remedies to quickly restore your eyes for a more youthful, fresh appearance.