There’s nothing worse than having a long day at work, and coming home with a tension headache that doesn’t go away. Tension can cause a headache between eyebrows and It’s a constant reminder of the stressful day you’ve had, making it extremely hard to switch off.

In this article we will explore the reasons behind tension headaches and how to prevent them so you can leave work, at work!

What does a tension headache feel like 

Tension headaches are really common amongst adults, often referred to as stress headaches. They can feel like a dull pain across your forehead, including the eyebrows. You may also experience tightness or pressure at the back of the neck as a result. 

Typically what causes a tension headache is; 

Having a tension headache can cause irritability, fatigue, foggy head, unable to focus or think straight, and a pressure feeling across the head, eyebrows and neck area. 

Home remedies for headache between eyebrows

Although you can take aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce your tension headache, if your anything like me, I prefer to stay clear of medication. I’d much prefer to use natural home remedies to soothe my headache and figure out how to prevent it from happening all together. 

Stay hydrated – Drinking 2-3 litres of water per day is essential to avoiding headaches, and keeping healthy. Try adding electrolytes to the mix, can really boost your hydration levels. 

Eat regularly – Eating a healthy well balanced diet consistently is key to health and well-being. Try not to skip meals as this can bring on headaches. 

Take time for you – take time back for yourself. Have fun and find enjoyment in hobbies or crafts outside of work and busy schedules. Hobbies such as Audio books, podcasts, and drawing are all good ways to switch off. 

Avoid strong smells – Avoiding strong smells can help reduce or prevent headaches. Some people can be sensitive to smells and it could worsen symptoms or bring on headaches. For example, wearing a light fragrance, rather than a strong perfume is key here. 

Food intolerance – try to eliminate certain foods that may be causing intolerances. When sensitivity arises, this can cause headaches. Note that sensitivity differs from allergies. 

Stay active – staying active can help boost your mood and encourage you to sleep better. Both of which are common causes of headaches. 

Caffeine – Drinking caffeine can help boost energy, mood and alertness. Just be mindful too much caffeine can have the reverse effect. If coffee or tea is too strong, try green tea or matcha.  

Herbal drinks – herbal drinks are not only good for you, but they can calm you down and relax your body. Camomile, peppermint, Turmeric, ginger and lavender are all good herbal ingredients for relaxation. 

Ginger– Ginger has been found to reduce nausea, but it also reduces inflammatory levels and pain. Try adding ginger and lemon to hot water. 

Relax – deep breathing, meditation and stretching are all really great ways to prevent headaches such as a headache between eyebrows. The more relaxed you are, the calmer you are, and the better it is for your body. Take regular breaks throughout the day, try meditation, breathing or stretching each morning and after work.

Sleep – Anxiety and stress are common causes of a bad night sleep. Putting good habits in place can promote sleep, boost energy and prevent headaches. Consider winding down 1 hour before bed, avoid screen time when winding down, take a warm bath, read or listen to a book, and try a herbal tea! 

Neck, head & shoulder stretches -Tensing your muscles in the back of the neck and shoulders can send a message to your brain that you are under stress. Try keeping up straight with your shoulders relaxed, and take deep breaths. Consider stretches or focusing on something in the present; such as how you feel. 

Cold compress – Applying cold compress to your neck or head reduces inflammation and will soothe your headache.

Essential Oils – Apply eucalyptus or lavender to your tissue before going to sleep, or invest in a diffuser. 

Reduce Alcohol intake – Alcohol intake causes inflammation and causes  dehydration.

Vitamins – Magnesium, vitamin d and vitamin b can prevent headaches in various ways.  They can be found in certain foods and taken as a supplement. 

Acupuncture -This can improve tightness and tension in the neck and shoulder muscles

Talk to someone – Your body comes under a lot of stress when anxious, often talking to a therapist or a trustworthy friend can have huge benefits to your stress levels. 

Scalp massage – For some people, a scalp massage will relieve pressure and strain pain by promoting blood circulation. 


A headache between eyebrows is common amongst adults, it’s often due to stress, over working, eye strain or hydration. Although there are over the counter medication for headaches, it’s much more effective to resolve why the headache is happening in the first place to prevent future headaches. Thankfully there are also natural remedies you can do to also soothe symptoms. 

Please note that there could be many other causes to your headache between eyebrows, for example; Blocked sinuses, drinking too much alcohol, migraines and cluster headaches. It’s definitely worth speaking to your doctor if you’re concerned. 

Exercise can be a great way to relieve stress, why not try this easy at home workout without equipment to help relieve some stress and tension.