Are you feeling the effects of acid reflux, wondering does milk help acid reflux?

Have you eaten too fast or too much and experienced a stinging or burning feeling in your chest? It’s more than likely acid reflux, often referred to as heartburn. Acid reflux causes discomfort in the middle of your stomach, travelling up to your upper stomach, leaving you with an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest. 

Here are some symptoms to look out for.

Symptoms of acid reflux 

Common reasons for acid reflux

Moderation is always key, try to avoid eating these foods a few hours before you plan to sleep as symptoms can be worse at night. 

Foods that help acid reflux 

Does milk help acid reflux

Milk contains high levels of calcium and protein, and there is some evidence that suggests drinking milk may help relieve heartburn. Often calcium carbonate is used as a calcium supplement due to its natural acid-neutralising benefits .

It’s important to note that milk comes in different varieties, such as whole milk, skim and non-fat. Acid reflux can be triggered by high levels of fat therefore, the fat milk contains can aggravate acid reflux. 

Nonfat milk can act as a buffer between the stomach lining and acid in the stomach and relieve symptoms of heartburn temporarily. You could also consider alternative milk such as low-fat almond milk.

Disadvantages to milk 

Milk can be high in fat, that will worsen acid reflux. If you want to drink milk to try and relieve your symptoms, it’s best to opt for a reduced-fat option. Low-fat milk, almond milk and goats milk are often used. 

4 Lifestyle changes to reduce acid reflux 

4 Natural home remedies for Acid Reflux 

  1. Ginger is a known ingredient to help ease stomach issues. One way of adding ginger to your diet is making ginger tea. Simply add a few thin slices of ginger root in hot water for 20 minutes and drink the tea before and after you eat. Ginger is full of anti-inflammatory properties that align your stomach PH levels.  
  2. Chamomile has been valued as a digestive relaxant and has been used to treat various stomach problems. Chamomile can balance the acidity levels and dilute the acid reflux in your stomach. It’s also used to reduce anxiety levels, which can also cause heart burn related symptoms. 
  3. Honey and hot water is beneficial for acid reflux, the honey has antioxidant and soothing properties. It’s another ingredient that reduces anxiety and depression, both can lead to heartburn. 
  4. Bananas are a low-acid fruit that can help balance the stomach acid. Not only they contain alkaline properties but also the fruit keeps you full so you don’t overeat and cause heartburn.

Does milk help acid reflux – Conclusion 

Heartburn is an uncomfortable symptom of acid reflux, it can cause chest pain, burn and irritation. There are many things that can trigger acid reflux however, there are also lots of home remedies and lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the symptoms and make it more manageable.